
24 Manak Vihar, IP.Extn-11, Delhi 110092

Lending Helping Hand To Elders & Orphans

Recognizing The Condition Of Orphans In India

In India, a staggering amount of children, approximately 20 million children, i.e., 4% of the population are orphaned. Only a mere 0.3% of these children have lost both of their parents while the rest face abandonment.

These poor vulnerable children are left to fend for themselves, navigating the harsh streets and doing menial mechanical work for inadequate wages. This tragic situation deprives them of basic needs and denies them educational opportunities that they very much deserve.

Our Commitment To Child Welfare

Sun Flower Charitable Trust is dedicated to improving the living conditions of children abandoned by their parents. Our rescue mission has two stages-

  • First, we rescue and rehabilitate these children, then we give them the care and rights denied to them by their birth parents.
  • Second, we empower them through quality education, to nurture their dreams and ensure that they get to access their basic rights.

Focussing On Shelter, Education. Food For Vulnerable Children

Our efforts target underprivileged children, child laborers, disabled children and both orphans, as well as semi-orphans. Through rehabilitation programs we offer these children with shelter, sustenance and comprehensive educational opportunities, helping them build a successful will to sustain themselves.


Extending Help To Neglected Senior Citizens

While our focus is mainly upon the underprivileged younger generation, we do care about the plight of the elderly people too. Surprisingly, around 30 percent of India’s aging population, 90 million individuals are separated from their families. We, at Sunflower Charitable Trust, try to bridge this gap by providing food, medicine, shelter and essential care to these senior citizens, abandoned or neglected by their own family.

Our Priorities- Caring For The Elderly

Our trust provides the abandoned elderly population with medical requirements based on their unique needs. We construct old-age homes to serve as cozy places for companionship, where they receive proper care and attention. We also do our best to address the alarming rates of mental health issues such as depression, loneliness, trauma, etc, among the elderly. We try to provide these elderly people relief and support through different programs.

Let's Find Hope Again

Sun Flower Charitable Trust stands as a beacon of hope, recognizing the rights of abandoned children and neglected elderly people alike. Through shelter, education and compassion we aim to uplift these vulnerable groups. We open up the gateway for them to live fulfilling lives while pursuing their dreams.


We raise funds for the betterment of lives of people who are in need of support in areas of Education, Health & daily necessities. We seek and offer funds to the beneficiaries based on the areas the donor want to fund them.

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